12 Channels

12 Keys to Excelero your Digital Marketing Journey

Digital Geeks At Your Service

Our Digital Journey


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About Us

As a leading creative digital marketing agency, 12 Channels has a wealth of experience in the digital market. We have a proven track record in delivering successful campaigns for our clients, and our team of experts is second to none with a cumulative experience of 100+ years. The 12 Channels core team comprises graduates from the best business schools, with diverse backgrounds and a wealth of experience working in top-notch companies. at different levels. We’re a real powerhouse team!

We are constantly innovating and developing new ways to help our clients achieve their desired results. Whether it is developing a new website, driving traffic to a website, or increasing conversion rates, we have the knowledge and skills to help our clients with the best possible methods. Our services are tailored to each client, and we pride ourselves on our ability to produce results that exceed expectations.

As passionate digital marketers, we plan and execute every project with the same level of dedication and enthusiasm as if it were our first project. We believe that the success of any business is greatly dependent on a loyal and satisfied customer base. Our planning of any project doesn’t stop with awareness, consideration, and conversion but rather with the creation of a customer loyalty and retention base. Once a project is completed and the customers are retained, they become ambassadors for the brand and can influence others in their circle.

Not to mention, the digital marketing experts at the 12 channels do not confine the scope of a creative digital marketing agency to one domain. We acknowledge the key role of every domain in Digital Marketing. Not only do we operate with clockwork precision but also educate our clients on the importance of each milestone in the world of Digital Marketing. We are also known by our clients for providing free consultations & an extensive road map for every imperative with which they come to us. 

Besides our obligations to duty, we are the kingpins in creating omnichannel experiences. Seamless and personalized amenities are premium high, the very quintessence of our brand. More so, in the era of radical change for territories of life and future history, with the expansion of cyberspace in business it is not surprising that there are so many companies vying for your customers. 

Given the increasingly cutthroat competition faced by all companies these days, every business has to position and differentiate itself more individually. This only adds to a pickle of chaos when you have to elect one from a ton of suits to fit the skin. However, finding out the right suit that compliments your standards and expectations to help you look like the boss you are, can be challenging! 

Why look further, when at 12 channels we don’t just specialize in helping businesses grow – but excel at unifying disparate data sources and touchpoints to create a cohesive view of the customer journey?

Digital marketing is a clockwork precision and it needs our expertise to unlock a whole new world of brand success. We’re passionate about helping our clients deliver amazing experiences that create loyal customers for life. We are the digital clock hands that move your business to the next level. Join us now and make your brand a revolution in the upmarket!

Our Core Values

Our core values are the deeply held beliefs that we cherish and nourish the most. We are an open book, nothing to fear, nothing to hide, committed to our work, your growth, and each of the values secured, side by side.


We trade what we know and know what we trade. Know-how is how we deliver and serve only the best to our clients with the power of digital.


We are committed to our work while providing the quality and truth of the greatest value to the clients with a go-getter attitude.


Goals are dreams waiting to come to life. We believe in dreaming big and grow those dreams into a tree, starting with a twig.

Growth Driven

Knowing is not doing, and doing is not pursuing. With passion came the zeal to succeed to put ourselves in the game despite several ordeals.

Team Work

A boat cannot move forward if the sailors are rowing, each in separate ways. We firmly believe that together we are stronger in the journey as a team rowing along.


Responsiveness is at the core of partnership with our clients, as we believe in a deadline-driven business success. Time is our most valuable asset.

Team 12 Channels has the experience and expertise to develop a tailored digital brand strategy for your business that will help you achieve your objectives. We will work with you to understand your business model and objectives and create a digital brand strategy that will help you reach your goals. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or build customer loyalty, we can help you develop a plan to succeed. We never let budget get in the way of a good digital brand strategy – we always prioritize objectives and believe that creativity and effectiveness are key to making a brand stand out.

Websites, Apps, CRMs, Content Marketing, Ad Targeting… we get it all. No matter your digital needs, we have the experience and expertise to help you succeed. We all know how important it is to stay ahead of the competition. But sometimes, no matter how hard we try, they just seem to have everything going for them. The work is never done, there is always more to be done, and there exactly are the keys to open the doorways to your digital front.

Get All 12 Keys To Open A Door Of Opportunities Businesses Are Missing From A Digital Brand Strategy

The vast majority of digital marketing agencies focus on one or a few channels, instead of all channels of digital marketing. This is due to the scarcity of resources or experts in the field. These agencies not only restrict the scope of the Digital Brand Strategy but also the growth of the company. So businesses or companies need to approach multiple agencies for a single objective, which can become cumbersome. It becomes more complex when we make these agencies from different locations & different offices work together for a single cause or objective. 

After studying the needs of our clients and consulting with businesses of various sizes, we came up with the innovative concept of  “12 channels.” Each channel in 12 channels represents a different facet of digital marketing, making it a comprehensive solution for all your needs.

If you’re curious about our services, just click on the ones below to learn more. We’re always happy to help and answer any questions you may have. Go ahead, and take a look around. Navigate to your heart’s content! 

DMaS - Digital Marketing as Service


“I need a digital marketing agency that can handle social media for my company. Can you help?” 

“I m looking for the Digital Marketing agency that gives me the best marketing mix of all the channels”

“My business is not reaching its full potential because of limited options. Help me get it right with your omnichannel services!”

Our clients have come to us with a great deal of pain and frustration, having spent a great deal of time and money searching for an agency that can provide a comprehensive digital marketing solution. We have listened to their stories and understand their needs. In response, we have made a resolution to be that comprehensive solution.

The adage “you get more bees with honey than vinegar” applies here. The way we market now is very different from the traditional methods of yesteryear when businesses had only to focus on one channel at a time for their message and products (or) services to reach as many potential customers as possible – but it’s not just about being seen anymore!

What’s worse than a company that only offers only one or two services? A business that says they can do everything needed but provides very little assistance outside of it – but in reality provides very little assistance outside their services – which means we’re left on our own with figuring things like SEO strategies and creating content for social media accounts all by ourselves!  

What would happen if one day – everything changed? Forever.

Luckily though, the end is here, and it’s time to break down the barriers of stereotypes. For consistent growth without breaking the bank, DMAS (Digital Marketing as Service) is the key.

With 12channels, you’ll have access to more opportunities than other agencies who only use one marketing channel. Besides Multi-channel & Cross-channel Marketing, DMas is our silver bullet for small businesses. It is a concept never adapted before in the online market. DMas, shorter for digital marketing as a service, is an omnichannel experience, in a super-integrated way. At 12 channels, we define DMAS as the integration and cooperation of 12 marketing channels that come together in tandem allowing our brands to interact with their consumers. We’ll help you build your brand from scratch and continue to support you as it grows. By allocating resources more efficiently, you can focus on what matters – and that’s growing your business.

Still, Unsure of how to take your business to the next level? Read more to know about how we can help you grow your business!

Starting from scratch, including web and mobile development to content marketing SMM to SEO to SEM, and more, all 12 channels are proven to be connected, thus fitting as a single package of complete transformation and recognition against the market’s finest. We call it a 12-in-one solution for all the marketing needs of a brand and the brand maker.

Let's Work Together

12 channels

Some say that creativity is about being outside the box. But if you want new ideas, then give your team some space and let them explore their creativity!

At our digital marketing agency, we believe in teamwork-powered success stories like yours: one where every provider’s expertise combines into an effective whole while also working towards what YOU Want rather than just reacting off of others’ directions alone. 

We have subject experts and staff who will ensure that everything falls perfectly under control as you build out solutions – because there are many hands involved rather than just relying solely upon 1 person doing all of the work by themselves.

We all know how difficult it is to come up with new ideas and that is why at our digital marketing agency, you’ll never be alone in your journey to success! We work together as a team so that every expert has access and knowledge about what needs to be done next; this way we can create an effective brand identity based on harmony–and maximize customer engagement along the way.

Stop searching and hire the best digital marketing company in the market! 

You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for a full range of services that will take care of your needs. We know how important it is when choosing an agency partner- especially one who can provide such a comprehensive service package as ours does; which includes more than just traditional advertising methods but also an inside tracking process via analytics software (which has been proven time after again) because we want our customers’ businesses succeed.                        

 “What is your plan and How do you plan to grow our business?”

Well, worry not! We’ve got your back and will show how this might work in every situation: So we’re going over everything with a fine-tooth comb – let us show what could work for any kind of situation!

  • We get to know our clients and their businesses. We want you to not just feel understood but also liked! After all, who doesn’t like happy company? 
  • Once we have a good understanding of our client’s businesses, we make sure that any digital marketing strategy is tailored for each client based on his or her unique needs—so there’s no cookie-cutter approach here at Digital Marketing Strategies Incorporated! 
  • The first step in developing this custom plan starts by getting oriented with everything you need: goals, objectives (and sometimes even what you are allergic to!), target audience…you name it. 
  • Then we go from zero sales numbers straight into action mode as our team works hard behind implementing the digital marketing strategy across all relevant channels, including website development, SEO, social media, email marketing, and more. 
  • Once we are set with everything, we don’t need a crystal ball to know what the future holds. 

Trust us, we know what we’re doing. 

You know that confident people take time to really get into your business before using their services on you – because there are always some things that can’t be learned just by one or two conversations with someone else’s company. We’ve got this handled though; remember: Not overconfidence

  • Luckily we’ve got you covered with our services that will measure success by tracking metrics such as the number of views per day so adjustments can be made accordingly – saving both money AND headaches down future lines. 
  • Finally, we adjust our strategy as needed to continue achieving desired results for you.

And we’re always here to help. If you have any questions about digital marketing or want our input on how it can work best for your business, contact us today!

How Much Our Clients Love Us


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