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22 Innovative Mobile Application Ideas in 2024


Mobile applications are expected to generate over $935 billion in revenue in 2024.


2023 has been called “The Year of the App” by some in the tech industry, as it’s predicted that we’ll see several innovative app ideas that will change the way we live and work. Some of these apps may include a personal assistant app that can help with tasks such as scheduling, a social media app that is geared towards privacy, and a messaging app that allows for file sharing. However in 2024, we need to up the game. The competition is huge, and so does your strategy should be remarkable.

Whatever you are struggling with, we have here 22 ideas for your next revolutionary mobile app that could make a big impact in 2024:

24 Innovative Mobile Application Ideas For Business Owners

1. A messaging app that allows businesses to communicate with customers in a more personal way.

We already have many apps to do that – don’t we? But what if there was an mobile app that allowed businesses to send automatic responses to customers based on their interactions? This would be a great way to communicate with customers on a more personal level and offer them support when they need it the most.

I am not talking about social media, but rather an app that would be used only for customer communication from businesses. Although this is challenging and needs a lot of backed-up research to work it out, it is worth the while. Your’s could be the next gen’s sensation.

2. A social media app that is geared towards privacy and security

Tons of people are now concerned about their online privacy, and with good reason. With all of the data breaches that have been happening, it’s no wonder people are concerned about what companies are doing with their personal information. A social media app that is focused on privacy and security would be a great way to give people the peace of mind they need when using social media.

You could focus on creating a mobile app that uses end-to-end encryption for all communications, or you could create a social media platform that doesn’t collect user data. Either way, this is a great opportunity to create an app that people will love and appreciate.

3. A personal assistant app that helps businesses with tasks such as scheduling and organization.

While hunter-gatherers might not need a personal assistant, modern businesses certainly do. With so many moving parts, it can be difficult to keep track of everything. A personal assistant app would be a great way to help businesses with tasks such as scheduling, organization, and even communication.

This would need to be a very well-designed app to be successful, as it would need to be able to integrate with a variety of different business systems. However, if you could get this right, it would be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

4. A mobile app that allows businesses to track their carbon footprint.

mobile application

As businesses become more conscious of their impact on the environment, they are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. A mobile app that allows businesses to track their carbon footprint would be a great way to help businesses meet their sustainability goals.

This mobile app could track a variety of data points, such as the amount of energy used, the emissions produced, and the waste generated. businesses would then be able to see where they need to make improvements to reduce their impact on the environment.

5. A mobile app that helps businesses save money on their energy bills.

As businesses strive to become more sustainable, they are also looking for ways to save money. A mobile app that helps businesses save money on their energy bills would be a great way to help businesses meet both of these goals.

This mobile app could provide businesses with tips on how to save energy, as well as alert them of times when energy prices are low. businesses would then be able to save money on their energy bills and reduce their impact on the environment.

6. A mobile app that helps businesses recycle their waste, reduce food wastage, and save money on water bills.

As businesses strive to become more sustainable, recycling waste has become a trend. Perhaps there are a lot of voluntary organizations in your locality, which are working for this cause. You could develop an app to make the process of recycling easier for businesses.

This mobile app could help businesses sort their waste, find local recycling facilities, and even track the amount of waste they have recycled. Businesses would then be able to reduce their impact on the environment and save money on disposal, thus saving time and resources in a better and more accommodating fashion!

➔   A mobile app that helps people reduce their food waste.

Hunting for food to waste food became a global problem. It is one of the main causes why people are now experiencing a different food crisis.

According to the USDA, 30-40% of the food supply in the United States is wasted each year. That’s a lot of food! A mobile app that helps people reduce their food waste would be a great way to help the environment and save people money.

This mobile app could help people plan their meals, track their food consumption, and even find recipes for using up leftovers. By reducing food waste, people would be able to save money and help the environment.

➔   A mobile app that helps businesses save money on their water bills.

80% of the land is filled with oceans but only 2.5% is freshwater, which is vital to our survival. A mobile app that helps businesses save money on their water bills would be a great way to help businesses meet their sustainability goals. Especially in cities like Dubai, Cape Town, London, etc. where water is a very scarce resource.

This mobile app could track a business’s water usage and provide tips on how to save water. businesses would then be able to save money on their water bills and reduce their impact on the environment.

If you could integrate these 3 app ideas, it would be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes!

7. A marketing app that helps businesses reach their target markets

There are a lot of marketing apps out there, but most of them are geared toward small businesses. A marketing app that helps businesses reach their target markets would be a great way to help businesses of all sizes.

This mobile app could help businesses segment their customers, create targeted marketing campaigns, and track the results of their campaigns. Businesses would then be able to reach their target markets more effectively and improve their bottom line.

8. An accounting app that helps businesses keep track of their finances

Small businesses often have a hard time keeping track of their finances. An accounting app that helps businesses keep track of their finances would be a great way to help businesses stay on top of their finances.

This mobile app could help businesses track their income and expenses, create financial reports, and even set up budgeting goals. All these with a free subscription and a very nominal fee for the premium features, this app could be widely used and accepted!

9. A human resources app that helps businesses manage their employees

HR apps are becoming more and more popular as businesses strive to become more efficient and effective. A human resources app that helps businesses manage their employees would be a great way to help businesses save time and money.

This mobile app could help businesses track employee hours, manage payroll, and even create performance reports. Businesses would then be able to save time and money on their human resources processes.

10. An app for authors to sell their books

The publishing industry is changing, and authors are increasingly turning to self-publishing to sell their books. Amazon offers authors the same deals but an author-specific app would be a great way to help authors sell their books.

This mobile app could help authors list their books, set prices, and track sales. Authors would then be able to control their destiny and make more money from their book sales.

11. A music streaming app that helps musicians get their music heard and paid

There are a lot of music streaming apps out there, Spotify is one among them, even so Spotify couldn’t make their artists get a needed platform. This doesn’t do much to help musicians. A music streaming app that helps musicians get their music heard and paid would be a great way to help musicians make a living.

This mobile app could help musicians upload their music, set prices, and track plays. Musicians would then be able to make money from their music and reach a wider audience.

12. A social media management app that helps businesses grow their social media following

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses, but it can be time-consuming to manage. A social media management app that helps businesses grow their social media following would be a great way to help businesses save time and money.

This mobile app could help businesses schedule posts, track analytics, and even engage with customers. There are a lot of agencies promising social media management but an app like this could do it at a fraction of the cost!

13. An app for elder care that helps families find caregivers and resources

The aging population is growing, and there is an increasing need for elder care. An app for elder care that helps families find caregivers and resources would be a great way to help families stay on top of their loved ones’ care.

This mobile app could help families search for caregivers, find resources, and even track care. Families would then be able to find the best caregivers for their loved ones and ensure that they are getting the care they need.

14. A book club app that helps readers find books and connect with others

Book clubs are a great way to connect with other readers, but they can be hard to find. A book club app that helps readers find books and connect with others would be a great way to help readers connect.

This mobile app could help readers find book clubs, join discussion groups, and even connect with authors. Readers would then be able to find the perfect book club for them and connect with other like-minded readers.

15. A meal planning mobile app that helps families save time and money

Meal planning can be a great way to save time and money, but it can be hard to do on your own. A meal planning app that helps families save time and money would be a great way to help families save time and money.

This mobile app could help families plan their meals, find recipes, and even create grocery lists. Families would then be able to save time and money on their grocery bills and have more time to spend together.

16. Live streaming mobile app for events

Live streaming is a great way to connect with an audience, but it can be hard to do on your own. A live-streaming app for events would be a great way to help businesses and individuals connect with their audiences.

This mobile app could help businesses and individuals live stream their events, track analytics, and even engage with viewers. Businesses and individuals would then be able to reach a wider audience and connect with their customers.

17. A review app that allows businesses to collect customer feedback and reviews.

There are a lot of review mobile applications out there, but most of them don’t do much to help businesses collect customer feedback. A review app that allows businesses to collect customer feedback and reviews would be a great way to help businesses gather data and improve their products.

This mobile app could allow businesses to send customers surveys, track customer sentiment, and even collect customer reviews. Businesses would then be able to use this data to improve their products and services.

18. A productivity app that helps busy people make the most of their time

There are a lot of productivity apps out there, these apps could help busy people schedule their time, set goals, and even track their progress. But what if there was an app that did all of that and more? Like an app that could not only help you be productive but also keep you accountable? To achieve this feat, you need to create a mobile application that will be out of the box and truly innovative.

19. A social media platform for artists

Social media has become a great way for people to connect and share their work with the world. But there are some drawbacks, like the fact that it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. With so many people sharing their work on social media, it can be difficult to get noticed. That’s why a social media platform for artists would be such a great idea. This platform would be designed specifically for artists to share their work and connect with other creatives.

Not like Behance, but more like a cross between Behance, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Where artists get rewarded for every person that they inspire.

20. A platform that helps people with chronic illnesses connect with others who have similar conditions

There are a lot of chronic illness support groups out there, but they can be hard to find with people only being interested in passing their time or being half committed to the cause. And even when you do find them, it can be difficult to connect with other people who have similar conditions. This is where an online platform would come in handy. This platform would be designed specifically for people with chronic illnesses to connect with others who have similar conditions.

This will give an idea of how many people are out there with the same illness, what treatments they’re trying, and how to better manage their symptoms. But it is important to remember that this mobile application could either be the next “HIT” or a “MISS.”.

21. A mobile app that helps you give away unwanted items in return for good deeds

We all have stuff that we don’t use anymore, but we don’t always want to just throw it away. Before we had invented money, people used to trade a good for another good. But now, we have money and we don’t need to trade anymore. So, what if there was a mobile application that helped you give away unwanted items in return for good deeds? For example, you could give away an old piece of furniture in return for someone walking your dog for a week. This would be a great way to declutter your home and do some good deeds at the same time.

22. A virtual reality app that allows businesses to offer a new way to experience their products and services.

This is still hypothetical, but who said it is not possible? With the rapid development of technology, we may see this coming to reality in a few years. Imagine being able to virtually try on clothes from your favorite store before you buy them, or shoes before you wear them. Already there are a lot of digitalization apps that create digital outfits, but this would be the next step – being able to see how it looks and feels on you. This would also work for trying out new restaurants, hotels, and so much more. The opportunities are endless and this could change the way businesses operate and the shops forever.

These are just a few ideas of the innovative apps we could see in 2024. What app will you create?


From increasing productivity to managing chronic illnesses, there are several innovative mobile application ideas that could change the way we live and work in 2024. But these are just a few examples. What other innovative app ideas can you think of? Let us know in the comments.

And if you need help creating one, 12 Channels can assist you! Reach out to us today for a free consultation. We specialize in mobile application development and can help you bring your innovative mobile app idea to life.

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