When it comes to Social Media Marketing, the sound ‘Instagram’ comes from so many mouths. There are enormous reasons to pick Instagram as the new best social media platform for marketing all types of content.
81% of people surveyed by Facebook said that they use Instagram to learn about products and business services. This is a clear indication that Instagram users are comfortable with seeing messages from brands that have a promotional angle.
If you think it is very important to learn driving skills to drive a vehicle then similarly it is also very important to learn Instagram marketing skills to use Instagram for marketing. Without knowing swimming and jumping into the ocean makes no sense and also invites havoc and uncertainties.
To avoid the future precariousness of loss in SMM, you must be fully aware of all the things, from knowing about it to carrying on operations. Only by having complete knowledge about our activities, we can choose further actions.
In this article, we’ve mainly focused on presenting you the important and complicated questions in a very simple manner that cannot be left unanswered. You’ll get complete and required information about the ways to find a target audience on Instagram, how to increase followers and how to create good content on Instagram for marketing.
We hope this article will guide you to find answers to your questions. So let’s focus on the first and most important point which is about the ways through which you can find audiences on Instagram.
Identifying Target Audience on Instagram for Social Media Marketing

When it comes to small businesses, Instagram for marketing is becoming highly competitive. In this competition, it has become near to unpredictable to find the target audience and loyal clients.
Having a target audience is paramount for small businesses to avoid marketing failures as the target audience represents the fundamentals of business from the backside.
To get the best feedback, you need your target audience and loyal clients.
To know the best time to carry on operations, you need to observe your audience’s involvement time.
To increase your online presence, you need promotion from your audiences.
So, undoubtedly the target audience is very important to consider for using Instagram for marketing tool. Let’s see what are the ways through which you can find your target audience on Instagram.
#1 Look for accounts
On the Instagram search bar, you must find the right account for your business. Only the right audience will be involved in your content.
You can type your niche on the search bar and Instagram will provide you with a list of Instagram accounts that are associated with the niche.
#2 Use hashtags
You must use hashtags (of your niche) to find the group of suitable audiences for your business.
Using hashtags in your post will upload the post in the hashtag which will help the other audiences who were following the hashtag can easily get your profile.
#3 Social media demographics
Social media demographics will provide you with all the relevant and essential information about the involvement of audiences in your post.
By analyzing the reports thoroughly, you can prepare a better and more effective marketing strategy.
#4 Location tagging
When you tag location in your post, it will help the users to find your business by going into the location page.
#5 Choose the right influencers
Choosing the right influencers can benefit you with a lot of points.
It’ll help you to get more followers as your products are also being watched by the followers of Influencers. It also helps you to get more sales.
#6 Stay connected
Maintaining a healthy relationship with customers has always been a major part to consider for all kinds of business, irrespective of their genre.
A healthy relationship between the customer and the business will help you to get a good market reputation and this also helps in building brand awareness.
How to increase followers on Instagram?

Without customers a business is nothing. Similarly, without followers a business profile is worthless.
We know that not all followers of a business profile are customers. Even though India has the largest user base for Instagram, still many people are associated with Instagram only for marketing purposes.
To choose potential customers from the followers, we must require a good follower base. Without a large number of followers, a business’s brand value is near to nothing.
So it has become very important to increase the number of followers. Followers are mainly based on our activities. If we thoroughly focus on producing something that can benefit the audience, it will help to grab the attention of followers.
Let’s see what are the reasons that push towards increasing the followers of a business profile.
#1 Increase presence
By managing the social media activities and the business community, and by engaging with the audience we can increase the social media presence.
Social media presence is required to maintain a healthy relationship with customers and to build trust.
#2 Collaboration
Collaboration with influencers can also be considered a marketing strategy to grow the business. You can collaborate with individuals who are pursuing the same niche.
Influencers mainly focus on showing or advertising the product at a top level. This will help you to get more attention from a variety of customers and this will also help to get new loyal clients.
#3 Engaging content
If a business is focusing on creating engaging content, then the customers can stay connected with the business for a longer period.
Engaging content will help you to build trust and also helps in expanding the number of leads. If the engaging content is not plagiarized, then there’s a chance of improving the conversion rate.
#4 Schedule timings
Posting content at the right time is equally important as cutting a cake at midnight.
Scheduled timings can be considered only through frequent analysis of customers’ presence on social media. Through Instagram features, we can get complete information about a customer’s activities, and depending on that we can decide at what time to post the right content.
#5 Avoid fake accounts
Many Instagram accounts have been eagerly waiting for an increase in their follower’s section, to fulfill this they use fake followers tools to get more followers within a limited period.
This will help you to get more followers within a blink but you’ll not get reliable customers. Since followers are not our main motive, we must focus on getting new customers rather than racing to increase the number of customers.
#6 Run activities
To get more followers, you must interact with your existing customers. You can DM them to get feedback and suggestions.
You can also run offers, digital quiz polls, ask questions about business, and much more. This will help your audience to snatch the attention of your business.
So, we’ve only focused on a few simple yet effective points that are required by every social media marketer. These points are required to increase the number of followers and get loyal customers.
How to create good content on Instagram for marketing?
Good quality content advantages the business in so many ways.
It becomes most important for the business to have a better marketing strategy and provide the best quality content to its customers.
Planning for quality content is a step-by-step process. Many points need to be given extra effort while making content.
#1 Understand the audience
Understanding your target audience is the most important aspect of the marketing strategy. To know how they behave, what they think, and how they respond to your business should be your priority.
Audiences can be transformed into unpaid influencers who can promote your business on social media.
So it becomes very essential to have complete knowledge about the target audience.
#2 Measure performance
content should be based on the performance of other content. By measuring performances, we can get more about the customer’s experience.
Customer interest has always been the business’s topmost priority. And to convert it as a lead you must obey customers’ choices as well.
#3 Create a good caption (Evaluate length)
A good caption will help you to drive likes, comments, and shares on your post. This also helps in building a strong relationship with their customers.
By evaluating the length of the caption and making it creative and unique, you can build a good and strong caption.
#4 Analyze competitor’s strategy
It’s very important to have complete knowledge about competitors’ strategies as it will help you to find alternatives for your strategy.
You can also focus on a few points that your competitor failed to achieve.
#5 User-generated content
As it’s clear in Marketing language that user-generated content can build excellent social proof.
User-generated content helps in building business trust between the customers and your business, and also helps in building a meaningful relationship.
#6 Audience behavior
Audience behavior brings a complete picture resembling their marketing decisions. By understanding how the audience is reacting to your content, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses.
This will help you to create more opportunities which will decrease the possibility of threats.
By focusing on the expectations of the audience, you can stand out from the normal community base. This will help you to increase your brand value.
As per 2020 statistics, 5.7% of the total population of India uses Instagram for marketing. INSTAGRAM has always been the best social media marketing platform for small-scale businesses.
As Instagram mainly focuses on visual content, the possibilities automatically increase to grab audiences’ interest. Audiences are more likely to get attached to high-quality content.
Many marketers have agreed that building brand awareness has always been a major influencing part of marketing and Instagram is meant for giving justice to the statement. To gain a loyal customer base, you must focus on the key points that are highlighted above.
We hope you have had a complete picture of accepting Instagram for social media marketing and by giving attention to the points that are highlighted you can easily achieve your digital marketing goals. And if you need help getting started, here at 12 channels, we specialize in helping businesses break down barriers and pursue high dreams!
Learn how to harness the power of social media with our experts. We’ll give you a free consultation and help throughout your entire campaign at 12 channels! You have time to make a change, you just need the motivation. Contact us and get started today!