12 Channels

Tag: #seoforblogs

Digital Marketing

An Effortless Guide To Search Engine Optimization For Blogs

SEO is easy and affordable to use when understood. We have created our own guide to SEO using multiple verified articles and resources at 12channels to educate our readers and clients alike on how you can improve your SERPs in no time. This guide will educate beginners and experts alike to bring forth an easier way to understand the model. Keep reading!

Digital Marketing

Success Guide To Bidding Strategies In SEM Using Google Ads

When it comes to bidding strategies, there is no one-size-fits-all approach that will work for every business. Instead, you need to experiment and find the right combination of factors that will get you the results that you want.  In this guide, we’ll cover the different types of bidding strategies that you can use in SEM, as well as how to find the perfect bid price for your keywords.