“I think the biggest change, and one that we’re already starting to see take shape, is that globally the majority of internet usage will be done via a mobile device and for most people, the mobile web will be their primary – if not their only — way of experiencing the internet.”
Peter Rojas from Engadget and Gizmodo
The way we use the internet is changing. The desktop is no longer the primary way we access the web. Instead, we are using our smartphones and tablets to go online. This shift has major implications for marketers.
“As mobile devices become more and more ubiquitous, it is important for marketers to develop the understanding of the strategic drivers of mobile marketing that take into account the unique limitations of this medium. By understanding these drivers, marketers can create more effective programs that run on mobile devices and reach a larger audience.”
If you are not careful with your strategies, these limitations can hinder a program’s success if they are not considered when planning an execution. In this article, we will discuss 15 such strategic drivers of mobile marketing.
15 Strategic Drivers Of Mobile Marketing
Whether you are a business owner or a marketer, make sure you know these 15 strategic drivers of mobile marketing before you host a mobile advertising campaign of your own!a
1. Battery life
One of the most important limitations to consider when planning a mobile advertising campaign is battery life. Mobile devices have notoriously short battery lives, which means that marketers must be mindful of how long their programs will run and how much power they will consume.
2. Screen size
Another key consideration is screen size. Mobile devices have much smaller screens than desktop computers or laptops, which can make it difficult to display complex content or visuals. Marketers must be aware of this limitation and adapt their programs accordingly.
3. Connectivity
Connectivity is an integral factor that drives mobile advertising, and it’s intricately linked to the network’s spotty and nonexistent cellular signals in some areas. When strategizing mobile advertising campaigns, marketers must consider this limitation since programs that necessitate a constant internet connection may not reach their desired audience due to this handicap.
4. Data limits
Another constraint that marketers must be mindful of is the data limits that most mobile data plans impose on the amount of data that can be used each month. Therefore, marketers must be mindful of their program’s size and data consumption rate to ensure that it doesn’t exceed the monthly data limits to be able to achieve the desired audience reach.
5. Bandwidth restrictions
Programs may require greater bandwidths for the campaign to perform as intended. Otherwise, with bandwidth restrictions, the marketer may face greater perils with failure of campaign.
6. Device compatibility
Device compatibility is an additional driving force of mobile advertising that cannot be overlooked. Due to the unequal creation of mobile devices, some may be incapable of running specific programs or accessing particular content. Marketers must be astutely cognizant of this constraint and ensure that their programs are amenable to the devices their audience is employing.
7. Operating system compatibility
Furthermore, in addition to device compatibility, marketers must take into account the operating system compatibility. Diverse mobile devices function on different operating systems, implying that certain programs may only be compatible with specific operating systems. Therefore, marketers must consider this limitation while devising their mobile advertising campaigns and guarantee that their programs are harmonious with the devices their audience is utilizing.
8. Application store restrictions

One crucial factor driving mobile advertising is the restrictions imposed by application stores. Nevertheless, it’s vital to comprehend that not all mobile devices have equivalent access to the same app stores. Moreover, certain app stores may impose prohibitions on certain programs or content, thereby constraining the scope of mobile advertising campaigns. Consequently, marketers must be mindful of this impediment when devising their campaigns and ensure that their programs are reachable on the devices their audience is using.
9. Language and Geographical Barriers
Language barriers represent another significant driver of mobile advertising that cannot be ignored. This is due to the lack of uniform support for languages across mobile devices, and certain programs may only be accessible in specific languages. Therefore, it’s imperative for marketers to be attentive to this limitation while devising their mobile advertising campaigns and ensure that their programs are available in the languages their audience is conversant in.
Furthermore, apart from language barriers, marketers must also consider geographical restrictions while planning their mobile advertising campaigns. This is due to the non-uniformity in mobile devices’ availability and accessibility across different countries. Certain programs may only be available in specific countries, thereby imposing limitations on the reach of mobile advertising campaigns. Consequently, it’s crucial for marketers to take cognizance of this limitation and ensure that their programs are available in the countries their audience is residing in.
10. Interruption-prone environment
The utilization of mobile devices is frequently observed in contexts where users are not capable of conferring their complete attention to the program at hand. This denotes that programs must be meticulously contrived to be pause-able and still present significant value to the user. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that marketers remain cognizant of this fact while formulating their mobile advertising campaigns, and diligently ensure that their programs are devised to be pause-able.
The intricacies involved in mobile devices necessitate a distinctive array of restrictions that marketers are obliged to factor in when devising their programs. By possessing a profound understanding of the pivotal stimulants that drive mobile advertising, marketers can craft programs that are more likely to garner the attention of their targeted audience, and effectively accomplish their intended objectives.
11. Limited Input Methods
Mobile devices pose an additional limitation with their restricted input methods. These devices are often equipped with minuscule keyboards, or in some cases, no keyboards at all, thereby rendering it an arduous task for users to input data. Marketers need to bear this aspect in mind when mapping out their mobile advertising campaigns and ensure that their programs are methodically designed to be compatible with the limited input methods obtainable on mobile devices.
12. Lack of Standardization and Discoverability
Mobile devices, furthermore, exhibit a noteworthy deficiency in standardization. Consequently, there is no unambiguous or prescribed blueprint to craft programs exclusively tailored for mobile devices. Hence, marketers must remain mindful of this while formulating their mobile advertising campaigns, and assiduously ensure that their programs are attuned to the various types of mobile devices obtainable in the market.
Diverse tactics can be deployed to engineer programs for mobile devices; however, not all of them can function compatibly across all types of devices. Hence, marketers must be keenly aware of this when scheming their mobile advertising campaigns and ensure that their programs are optimized for the devices their targeted audience is utilizing.
Moreover, in addition to the lack of standardization, the task of discovering your app among the boundless assortment of app stores can pose another challenge for users. Therefore, it is imperative to optimize your app for app store searches to heighten the likelihood of easy app discovery by users.
13. Distracted users
If the users of your app are incessantly inundated with notifications, they will inevitably become vexed, and may even contemplate deleting it. It is vital to ensure that you only dispense timely and pertinent information and restrict the frequency of notifications.
LinkedIn, for instance, only sends notifications when a user’s profile is interacted with, such as when someone likes a post or comments on it. This strategy serves to keep users engrossed with the app, without overwhelming them.
14. Short message format
Moreover, the short message format poses one of the most pervasive limitations of mobile advertising. This impediment ensues from the restricted screen size and absence of a keyboard on the majority of mobile devices.
Consequently, it can be a cumbersome task to create lengthy or comprehensive messages that remain comprehensible and easy to read on a diminutive screen. In addition, people are not accustomed to reading lengthy blocks of text on their mobile devices and may rapidly become exasperated or disinterested in a message that is too protracted. Hence, it is pivotal to condense messages and present them in a succinct manner to optimize their impact.
15. Boring or irrelevant messages

The final driver of mobile advertising is the potential for messages to be boring or irrelevant. Since people are only willing to read short, concise messages on their mobile devices, lengthy articles or product descriptions are generally unappealing. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that any messages sent via mobile advertising are interesting and relevant to the recipient. Otherwise, they will simply be deleted and ignored.
Bonus: Lack of screen real estate in mobile advertising can also be a problem. With such a small amount of space on a mobile device screen, it can be tough to display all the necessary information. To address this problem, it’s important to prioritize delivering the most important information first and using visual cues to guide users towards the essential content. For instance, you may use large font sizes and bolded text to highlight key messages or rely on icons and images to break up lengthy blocks of text.

There is a whole host of tips and tricks for creating successful mobile advertising programs beyond the strategic drivers have formerly bandied. To start, marketers need to keep in mind the constantly evolving geography of mobile technology, including new bias, operating systems, and features. This means that a successful mobile advertising crusade requires regular updates and adaptations to stay applicable and effective.
Another important factor to consider is the timing and frequency of your mobile advertising messages. Users are more likely to engage with your content when it’s delivered at the right time and in the right environment. For case, transferring a drive announcement during the middle of the night when users are sleeping is doubtful to affect in important engagement.
It’s also pivotal to epitomize your messages as much as possible to appeal to individual consumers. This can be achieved through targeted advertising grounded on user data, including position, interests, and behaviour.
Eventually, it’s important to track and dissect your mobile advertising campaigns to see what is working and what is not. This will allow you to make data-driven opinions and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start with your mobile advertising campaigns, 12 Channels can help. Our experienced team can provide guidance and support every step of the way to ensure that your campaigns are successful and achieve your desired outcomes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.